Plant-Based CAM Practitioner Consultant Certification Program

Plant Based Health in Complementary Alternative Medicine (PB-CAM)

On-Line Practitioner Consultant Certification Course

(2016) Plant Based Health Education

In your home, at your own pace with our Online Home Study Program
Follow your passion…
[row_fluid] [span4]PB-CAMlogo[/span4][span8]10750180_sJoin the growing demand for Plant Based Health Based on 28 years of gathering data from today’s science, connecting chemical exposures to many of our illnesses and the uses of Plant-Based Medicinal Materials, as options for better health. This original material focuses on reducing chemicals from: the air we breath, the products/med’s we use, water/beverage we drink & foods we eat.

See for yourself…

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FREE preview of the first 30 minutes audio lecture, of our new Home-Study Program, Plant Based-Complementary Alternative Medicine(PB-CAM) Practitioner Consultant Certification Course: Register here (your affiliate link) and SAVE $100 using Code “EarthSave” (Course cost $500 with Code $400)

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