Reviving the EarthSave message

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It’s been eighteen years since John Robbins’ bestseller, Diet for a New America, was published with its trifold message that connected diet to personal health, the environment and the treatment of farmed animals. Public response to the book was overwhelming and generated a rapid grassroots movement. Forming the non-profit organization, EarthSave, was Robbins’ response to an outcry from readers pleading for ways to more effectively convey the book’s message to friends and loved ones as well as to their general communities. The international organization grew steadily forming chapters in more than thirty-five US states, as well as Canada and Germany, aimed at educating the public about the many benefits of healthy, plant-based diets. Over the years EarthSave has been known for holding local events, monthly community potlucks donning sumptuous vegan and vegetarian buffets, and providing support and sound resources for those transitioning from a standard American diet

As with many grassroots volunteer organizations, EarthSave has seen its share of financial difficulties, in addition to facing monumental misconceptions instilled into the general public. However, EarthSave has managed to not only stay afloat, but continue as a unique vessel for carrying a valuable, mindful message of how each of us directly impacts our local and global environment many times a day through what we chose to eat.

EarthSave’s message however, has been overshadowed in recent years by catastrophic events. Beginning with the September 11th tragedy, the subsequent invasion of Iraq, the US presidential campaign and most recently the South Asian Tsunami, world events have created enormous distractions from how we as Americans continue on a detrimental course of blatant (yet ironically surreptitious) consumerism.

The EarthSave message is just as important as ever. Even more so. It is imperative for realizing ways to ensure optimum personal health, to minimize harmful impacts on our precious air, water and soil, and to recognize the rights of other animals to live freely, without the threat of systematic torture and suffering. Realizing how all of these are connected to food choices awakens a sense of ethics and offers a perspective that can empower individuals to make conscious, intelligent choices. The more one continues exploring these connections, the greater one’s ability to achieve optimum health and contribute to our world in positive ways.

As EarthSave members and as decent, responsible planetary citizens our strongest message is through our own example, in the standards we set for ourselves, and in the kindness and understanding we extend to others.

We hope in the year ahead that you will continue practicing mindful food choices and enlightening others about the effects of dietary choices on the planet. In a world confronted with tragedy and turmoil, let’s not loose sight of the right thing to do. Help us bring EarthSave’s message once again to the fore.

In the months ahead EarthSave Miami will be focusing more on EarthSave’s core message. Showings of the award-winning video, Diet for a New America, will be scheduled throughout the year beginning in January. Check the calendar for locations and times. If you’ve seen the video, bring a friend to see it.